Customer Testimonials
Our mission is to improve health through high-quality, naturally-farmed products. We’re humbled and motivated by the positive impact we’re having with our customers
“I’m now completely off all my medications. I hope my little story will reach you. I did it, YOU can do it too. ”
Larry’s video testimonial
My name is Larry, and I'm 66 years old. When I first came to Hawaii in 2016, I was type II diabetic, with an AIC count of 12. I was taking 48 units of Insulin shots a day, plus Metformin (1,000 mg), high blood pressure pill, and cholesterol pills. It was very costly and frustrating to take all of these medications, to the point where I didn't know where to shoot the Insulin anymore. My body felt weaker and weaker.
In 2016, my daughter introduced me to Mr. David Wong, who played a big role in guiding me on this journey to wellness. I sat with him every week to show him my blood sugar counts, blood pressure, and discuss my diet. During that time, I felt like a “guinea pig“ to see how their natural-farmed moringa works. I started with 2 capsules in the moming and 2 capsules at night and my daughter carefully watch my diet. My wife had to prepare my special plate every day and reduced my intake of processed foods. Every day, I walked along the beach for exercise, made sure I have enough sleep, and focused on living a happy and forgiving life. It was not an easy transition for me. I felt like I was being fed like a “goat” eating mostly plant based foods. Yes, I was on a whole foods diet.
After 2 months, I had my blood test. Surprisingly, my results all improved - blood sugar count, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. These results gave me more hope and motivation to pursue a healthy lifestyle. I continued taking Moringa capsules and felt energetic every single day.
My daughter was very “strict” and focused on helping me reduce my maintenance medications due to negative side effects. She suggested that I lower my dosage of Insulin. “Wait, wait, what!? I don't think I can do that”. I was told that I would be living with these medications for the rest of my life. I was totally confused, thinking that I might die if I stop all my medications. I even had to call my physician in the Philippines to confirm if it's okay to reduce my insulin shots. He said, “It's your decision Larry”. Still I wasn't sure if I should do it so, I waited one more blood test. After 3 months, the results were amazing, and getting close to normal. It was a WOW moment! My physician here in Hawaii said, “Your counts are really nice, I don't know what your doing, just continue doing it”. By then, It gave me confidence to start reducing my Insulin shots. From that day on, I went from 48 units a day down to 1 unit. My blood sugar counts got better every day.
And most importantly, I felt okay. I also cut my Metformin, blood pressure, and cholesterol medication in half. After 13 months, I finally got completely off Insulin. I remember the exact date - November 7, 2017. It was a big relief! Amazing! I am very thankful and blessed that I was given a chance to understand wellness and longevity because I want to experience life with my family and see more grandchildren.
I am very happy for the opportunity to share my experiences with my family and friends who are in similar situations. Every time I tell the story of what I've been through, I tell it from the heart. Thanks to Mountain View Farms' team who never gave up on me. By the way, I'm now completely off all my medications. I hope my little story will reach you. I did it, YOU can do it too.
“Sure enough, a month or two had passed and I was overjoyed to find out I was pregnant. I believe that moringa helped me significantly to get me up to this point. ”
Vannisse’s video testimonial
Aloha, my name is Vennisse I'm thirty-two years old and this is my moringa story.
I first heard about moringa about 3 years ago from my mother, she was sharing all the positive changes that she had felt from taking the moringa capsules. My mother informed me that she and my dad began taking these moringa capsules for some months and had felt positive changes to their body. My father suffered from gout from time to time but since taking moringa - very seldom flare-ups. I was happy for my parents, but I didn't think it was for me knowing that I was young and healthy. I lived a very active lifestyle. I made it to the gym five days a week and spent my weekends on a mountain hiking or at the beach for a swim. On top of all of this I ate healthy. My meals were low in sodium, and I did my best to avoid sugar.
One day my mom told me that I should start taking moringa to see if it will regulate my period. For years since I could remember as a teenage girl having irregular periods. I would get them once every 3-4 months and it was always accompanied with intense abdominal cramping. Birth control helped regulate my period and lessen the cramping, however I was constantly on-off them for how it made me feel. I've tried a variety of birth controls most of them would make me feel emotional, sad, moody and somedays feel so depressed for no actual reason.
I figured my mom was just trying to make a sale off of me, it was a way for her to get me to buy moringa. I thought about the idea and all the more positive effects it could have on my body. I had nothing to lose so I gave it a try. My mom gave me a sample of moringa capsules a months' worth at her cost. Immediately within the first week I noticed a change in my bowel movement - not that there was anything wrong, but it just made it easier, something I didn't expect. As soon as I ended my one-month moringa pack my bowel movements reverted to the old ways and I knew I needed to get me another bag. This was actually the only reason why I continued to take moringa and the results of the other positive changes in my body soon took effect. It was some time before I noticed that it was doing anything else to my body. Five to six months may have passed before I noticed I was getting my menstruation regularly each month. I was surprised, I was happy. I knew that if I was getting my monthly period that would mean that my hormones are regulating as well and this effect is what made me feel confident.
Just a little background information; it was about another three years prior to starting the moringa capsules that I was diagnosed with having abnormal cells in my cervix which was caught from a routine annual pap smear visit. I didn't feel any different, it never bothered me too much as I was just living my life as a normal young adult. My doctor at the time had informed me that it was at a nonthreatening stage and that we would monitor it each year. He had told me that it could go three ways, that (1) it would disappear on its own, (2) stay with me all my life, or (3) for the worse turn into cervical cancer. Which if detected early enough may be removed with the consequence that I may not be able to bear children. Three years in a row the abnormal cells in my cervix never changed or worsen, it remained nonthreatening.
It had probably been about 6 months since I started the moringa capsules, and it was time for my annual pap smear. Like each year, they would tell me they would call me in about a week if they had concerns with my results. I was assured I would receive a call, but two weeks went by and I had just remembered I never received that call. I immediately gave them a call to make sure they haven't forgotten about me, the nurse that had answered my call told me that they only call when there is an issue or that lab results come back abnormal. I had informed the nurse that for 3 years in a row my pap smear results were abnormal and that she rechecks my file. The nurse rechecked and assured me that my pap smear turned out normal. I was shocked, I couldn't believe it, I was excited to tell my mom the great news! Moringa cleared up the abnormal cells in my cervix!
Sure enough, a month or two had passed and I was overjoyed to find out I was pregnant. I believe that moringa helped me significantly to get me up to this point. My partner and I wasn't actively trying at the time, but we weren't trying to prevent it or avoid it in any way either. We weren't getting any younger and if it happened, it happened.
Now here we are blessed and enjoying every moment with our five-month-old son Braden. I like to call him the moringa baby because of how fast he is growing with the big help of moringa. He is exclusively breastfed and as I continue to take moringa which I have increase my dose at this point because moringa (backed with so much studies done in the past) helps with milk production! How incredible is this vegetable! It truly is a super-food, it has helped me in so many different ways, and I know without a doubt it will help other woman out there! I am very fortunate to have heard about this product. My moringa baby is such a chunky healthy fast growing boy at 26 inches and 21 pounds and two baby teeth already!
Moringa is an awesome supplement to add to your diet. I thought I wasn't missing anything in my already healthy lifestyle. However from my own personal experience, adding moringa to my daily lifestyle has made a great impact on my health.
“Watching an infant and a toddler feels much easier. I owe it all to Rebalance moringa. It restores my mind, body and soul. I feel much more rested in the morning and I am able to manage my stress better. I have more clarity in my decision making which makes me feel more confident.”
What convinced me to start taking Rebalance Moringa? Maybe the fact that I don’t have the time to always prepare healthy meals, so I think of it as a way to get nutrition in my body. All the other positive benefits I noticed later. I feel very inspired and energetic every morning when I wake up.
My name is Merica, a stay at home mom with two kids, a toddler and an infant. As I reminisce of my experience with my first child, I remember feeling constantly drained from the nighty shift of waking up every 2 hours to feed my baby. I struggled to do my day to day routine of upkeeping the house, doing laundry and preparing meals. On the other hand, there was a daily battle of a dirty diaper or a crying hungry baby. Its hard to squeeze in self love because you’re constantly watching and caring for someone else.
I returned to work full-time then I return to home and clocked into motherhood. I was getting only 4 hours of sleep a night. My body did not restore back to how it was pre-pregnancy. I began to noticed negative changes in my body like aches and pains that I haven’t felt before. My biggest problem was with my wrist. Sometimes it would pop out of place and the feeling is instantly painful causing me to drop what’s in my hands. And being that I was a bartender, I needed my hands for shaking!..lived with that problem for a year.
The idea of breastfeeding was important to me as I tried to pump during work any chance I get. My milk supply began to disappear and I was devastated because the idea of natural food for my baby is what I wanted to achieve. I went from exclusively breastfeeding to strictly formula fed by the third month. I cried at the fact that I couldn’t be that mother who fed their baby for a year. Talking to other mothers, I realized that depleted breastmilk is common. I learn to realized its because of our diet.
With my next child, I started taking Rebalance moringa as a prenatal because I didn’t like the nausea feeling prenatal pills give you. I also started to eat better for the sake of my baby and myself. While working, I would be in the sun all day constantly walking and carrying objects. I did this until I gave birth. Everyone was shocked how well I worked while being pregnant. Down to my labor day, which was a breeze.
Watching an infant and a toddler feels much easier. I owe it all to Rebalance moringa. It restores my mind, body and soul. I feel much more rested in the morning and I am able to manage my stress better. I have more clarity in my decision making which makes me feel more confident. I definitely didn’t feel an instant change but overtime I am just overwhelmed with positive results.
Being that the Rebalance moringa capsules are natural, there is no such thing as overdose. I now take double serving being that I’m still breastfeeding going on 7 months. My milk production increased. I’m glad that I am able to supply more milk and don’t have to feed her with formula milk.
Although, I still wake up to feed throughout the night, I’m still able to conquer my day with good energy. My body feels much stronger. I’m very pleased with the Rebalance moringa. It’s an essential commodity. I will stick with for life.
“His practice of not using harmful chemicals, e.g., pesticides, reflects his dedication to allowing nature to “do its work,””
In 2014, I was diagnosed as having prostate cancer, and according to the biopsy results, it was the most aggressive form. My urologist reviewed the results and told me that although the sampling was small, the biopsy was of great concern. He told me that according to the Gleason scale, it was the most aggressive form of cancer. He told me that I was probably at stage four. I was in total shock when he told me that, and then he immediately suggested that I begin to go on hormone therapy. I was told that my PSA score was in the 100, and I did not remember the number that he gave me. I asked for the side effects of the hormone therapy that would lower the psa number. I asked about the side effects, and he told me that I would have hot flashes and all the post-menopausal symptoms. He offered to give me the shot right then and there. I was reluctant, and my wife asked him if we could consider it. It did not take me time to decide that I would not get the hormone therapy. I was put on a fast-track at my next appointment with the urologist. He had already recommended an oncologist who would perform surgery to have the prostate removed and have chemo and radiation therapy after that. They had me meet with the oncologist in August, and they proposed that I get the surgery sometime in November or December. I felt a great deal of pressure to get the surgery, and I told him I would think about it. I felt uncomfortable, and it just did not feel right. After that meeting, I would get called by the oncologist's staff about scheduling the surgery. I had just started taking Rebalance at the time and shared my experience with David Wong, who described his own life experience with prostate cancer. He elected not to go through with the conventional cancer treatment and went to Korea to go through natural, nonevasive treatment, which worked for him. I decided after my talk with David that I would not go through any of the treatment that was proposed to me and would live my life on my terms. My father's older brother was diagnosed with prostate cancer and he was told that he had six months to live. He lived for 10 years. Around the same time as my cancer diagnosis, I had other health issues like being overweight (190 pounds) with high cholesterol, pre-diabetic high triglycerides, and gout, all the symptoms indicating that, in all probability, I was not destined for a long life. One afternoon, I treated myself to some hot pork rinds from Longs. After finishing half the bag, I had what I self-diagnosed as being heartburn and acid reflux. It was past 10:00, and I asked my wife if Longs Drugs was open. I needed to get some antacid. Instead of going to Longs, she decided to take me to Pali Momi Emergency. Upon entering the emergency room, I was immediately hooked up to a heart monitor and asked if I had chest pain, shoulder pain, difficulty breathing, pain in the jaw, and sweating, which I attributed to the heartburn. I asked for a heartburn medication like Tums, and I would go home. I told them that I did not have any pain they described. They told me do you know you are having a heart attack now? The Dr. is on his way now, and he will be here in 15 minutes. In 15 minutes I was on the operating table having a stent put in. It all happened so quickly. I was then referred to a cardiologist and was prescribed medication for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, blood thinners, and essentially drugs with bad side effects. I resisted taking the drugs and had some muscle aches from the cholesterol medication. They would change the medication but the dosage remained high because of my heart attack. 2014-2024 on Rebalance After 10 years of taking both the capsules and the liquid, I can attest to the positive, beneficial effect it has had on my health and quality of life. My weight went from 190 to 152 pounds. I do not have any prostate related problems. I do not have any cardiac-related problems. My blood work no longer has those high lighted areas as it used to have in the past. My blood pressure is low: 104/74, and at times it is 110/77, and on the high, it would be 122/85. At 80 years of age I go to the gym three times a week and teach a centering and balance class to seniors once a week. I have been consistently taking Rebalance and have taken some other vitamin supplements although not regularly. I am eternally grateful to Mr. David Wong for developing this valuable product, and his supporters for their sincere commitment to promoting the health and well-being of our community. His practice of not using harmful chemicals, e.g., pesticides, reflects his dedication to allowing nature to "do its work," Mr. Wong sets the standard for all involved in the food production business."
Dr. Val
“Approximately nine months ago, I started taking moringa capsules grown and processed by Mountain View Farms in Waianae, Hawaii. I immediately experienced improvement in my mildly arthritic knees and my blood pressure decreased to normal levels. Encouraged, I started examining and better managing my diet, exercise regimen, sleep patterns and stress levels.
The results have been amazing. In consultation with my medical doctor, I have eliminated medications for high blood pressure, triglycerides, and asthma, and decreased the dosage of my cholesterol medication by 50%. I continue to work on decreasing my sugar and salt intake but feel assured that I am on the path to better health.
Thanks David! Your products and advice are invaluable!”
““I’ve been on a statin for a long time (5 years?). Started taking Rebalance last October. Anyways, from that timeline, (total cholesterol went down from approx. 235-250 to about 200 with the statin), my total cholesterol has been steadily dropping until last month, my total was at 150.” ”
“My glucose stayed about the same. My A1C dropped from 6.5 which is diabetic to 5.5 in 3 months!! My friends have had the similar results that are also surprising their doctors!!!”